
Sandy Plains

Specification Sheet

Rating: 2 out of 2.

109 Springfield

202 Madison

209 Bloomington

510 Iowa

511 Lincoln

707 Dakota

Johnson Ferry

Specification Sheet

Rating: 3 out of 3.

111 Pierre

139 Pueblo

202 Nebraska

404 Platte

500 Casper

505 Colorado

510 iowa

512 Kansas

527 Idaho

542 Aberdeen

571 Topeka

574 Tulsa

577 Fargo

581 Cheyenne

700 Texas

707 Dakota

708 Selma

800 Great Plains

Rio Grande

Specification Sheet

Rating: 4 out of 4.

123 Pindus

131 Crete

235 Andros

521 Corinthia

545 Samos

705 Partheon

713 Pelion

735 Rhodes

805 Helicon

900 Athos